Drink Up

“The cup of life’s for him that drinks      And not for him that sips.”   – Robert Louis Stevenson, Away With Funeral Music I read through several poems this morning, finding them all falling flat for me.  Same with the books I’m reading.  I know I have a few stand-byes I can call up,…

Pressing On

“The opposite of quitting is rededication. The opposite of quitting is an invigorated new strategy designed to break the problem apart.” – Seth Godin “For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.” – T.S. Eliot, East Coker These times challenge all of us, but some more than others.  Perseverance seems…

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Sharing Light

“Let tenderness pour from your eyes The way the Sun gazes warmly on the earth.” – Hafiz, If It Is Not Too Dark There’s enough darkness in the world. Enough anger, accusation and bitterness. Outraged darkness. Indignant darkness. Resentful darkness… it’s not for me. I prefer to share light. Have I been outraged, indignant and…


Making a Splash

“Let us also produce some bold act of our own – and join the ranks of the most emulated.” – Seneca I felt the sting immediately.  Cold skin, chilled by the steady wind and the unusually cold temperatures, meeting warm air as I came back inside to start the coffee ritual.  Hands stiffly assembled the…