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You might say that winter brings simplicity, laying bare and naked the world outside. Living things have two choices in winter; to fatten up and sleep it off or to hunt for food to keep the furnace burning. Hibernate or keep moving. Survival, simplified. In warmer climates, or warmer seasons, you might get away with…

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This Will Be Our Year

Now we’re there and we’ve only just begunThis will be our yearTook a long time to come— The Zombies, This Will Be Our Year Normally I take time to assess the best memories or the favorite stuff accumulated to wrap up a previous year in the final days leading into the new year. This year,…

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An Allegiance With Gravity

Rivers and stones are foreverin allegiance with gravitywhile we ourselves dream of rising.– Mary Oliver, Mysteries, Yes How do you explain yourself when someone jokingly asks you the question, “You don’t watch TV, what do you do?” I heard that question yesterday, smiled and said I keep busy. For how do you tell someone who…

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A Hike to Waterville Cascades

This hike was meant to be a compromise to myself. No salt water weekend, no longer hikes to knock off another 4000 footer or three. But still spectacular, still a light workout on a beautiful trail, and the real payoff; seven waterfalls in a relatively short span. I had my doubts. You walk to the…

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No Likeness to That Human World Below

You ask me:Why do I liveOn this green mountain?I smileNo answerMy heart sereneOn flowing waterPeachblowQuietly goingFar awayAnother earthThis isAnother skyNo likenessTo that human world below~Li Po, On The Mountain: Question And Answer (translated by C.H. Kwôck & Vincent McHugh) Three days later and I’m still on a mountaintop. The aches and pains fade but the…